Power Relay

Product Name Value
Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture -40 °C to 85 °C
Char­ac­ter­is­tics High re­sis­tance to shock, small con­tact osses
En­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion IP53



Connection diagram

Product Details

Product Name Features Housing Pinning Order No.
Relay H S CB1A-H-12 12V 50A Nor­mally open con­tact G1 S1 1.​016.​155.​00
Relay H S RLACS/4-12 12V 70A Nor­mally open con­tact G1 S1 1.​016.​152.​00
Relay H S RLACS/4-24 24V 40A Nor­mally open con­tact G1 S1 1.​016.​252.​00
Relay V23134-J0052-D642 12V 50A Nor­mally open con­tact G1 S1 1.​016.​100.​00
Relay V23134-J0053-D642 24V Nor­mally open con­tact G1 S1 1.​016.​200.​00
Relay V23134-J0053-D642 24V R Two-way con­tact with re­sis­tor G1 S2 1.​016.​201.​00
Relay V23134-J0053-D642 24V D Two-way con­tact with diode G1 S3 1.​016.​202.​00
Relay V23134-J1053-D642 24V L Nor­mally open con­tact with mount­ing bracket G1 S1 1.​016.​203.​00


Product Name Order No.
Flat pin socket 1.​017.​001.​00
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 6.3 mm 1.5-2.5 mm2 103064
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal lock­ing 9.5 mm 4-6 mm2 103066